Shadowhunters: S01E02 The Descent Into Hell Isn't Easy


When I heard that episode two was out along with episode one I was so excited that I immediately watched it. I was quite happy with the improvement of episode two as compared to episode one. It was easier to go through and the whole thing seemed to be more fluid.

I was happy to have more Simon time in this episode. Alberto Rosende was amazing in his portrayal of Simon. And honestly Clary and Simon seem like genuine friends in this TV Show.

Their friendship seemed more real than Jace and Alec's Parabatai relationship.

And the whole thing with the burning runes. I never really imagined it like that. They don't say runes are painful in the books.

And Simon panicking when Jace grabbed his hand! I actually loved that reaction, over-reaction but completely Simon like.

What I didn't like is that Jace didn't seem too Jace like. I always imagined him as the kind of person who hides his vulnerability behind cocky comments and false bravado and I could see them attempt that but it wasn't too realistic.

"I'm tough! I can handle the runes. So bring on the runes!" Simon hits Jace and gets hurt "What exactly are the runes?"

Aw! Si! You're amazing. And his awkward comment about Izzy when she puts on the rune! So cute.

Luke's fight with the circle member completely gave away what he was, didn't it? It seemed obvious to me.

Also. Hodge. He's Clary's parents age but looks more her age. I mean look at him!

He does play the part well. I was absolutely horrified at how the Clave punished him. I was also curious about his mark. If he still had the mark why didn't Jocelyn and Luke and Robert and Maryse? If Robert and Maryse had it then why did their kids not know about it.

And I don't see why Hodge thought Clary was Jocelyn, they look alike but not completely the same. And there should be no confusion 'cause Jocelyn would've aged.

What does the theme song say though? Does it say THIS IS THE HUNT?

The scene where she said 'I hate to make you suffer like this' seemed unrealistic she was a little stiff.

I did like the scene between Clary and Jace though.

I liked Dot. She was such a loyal friend even though she knew helping Clary would probably end her life.

During the Sizzy scene when Izzy said Jace was almost certain, I found myself longing for the slap scene from the book. I'm crazy. And the super fast running still baffles me. I never imagined it to be that fast.

Emeraude Toubia did a great job of portraying Izzy, she was flirty, confident, just Izzy.

And the scene where Clary is in Izzy's clothes. I mean seriously? She's wearing a shirt and pants and complaining when she was in a much more revealing dress before that. It's a little much if you ask me. She complains too much.

I like that Clary and Izzy become friends, it's nice to know Clary has someone backing her up.

Mathew Daddario was an excellent Alec. He was the perfect authority figure that caved to everyone else's wishes.

I was upset when Magnus ran away. He never seemed like a coward to me but here he was one. But I know he'll become the Bane we know and love.

I felt bad when Dot got captured by the Circle.

Now we enter the City of Bones.
It didn't seemed like a cemetery, it was like a place where stoners would hang out not the Silent Brothers.
That scene outside the gates of Silent City was great. The group had such a great dynamics. Alec walking away was great.

The silent brothers looked so wired. Their eyes are supposed to have runes over them, not stitched. I didn't like how they were portrayed in the movie either.

The whole Clary finding out about who Valentine really was did seem realistic.
Alec's reaction to the revelation was realistic and Clary's reaction was realistic too. I liked the parts which seemed realistic.

And I'm kind of pissed at Izzy for leaving Simon in the car, that was a truly stupid move.

Then was the scene with Raphael. It could've been more intense. I would've enjoyed it more.

It broke my heart when Dot died, she was such a great friend to Clary.

Anyways, I thought this episode was much better that episode one and much easier to follow.

May the Angel bless you!

Descensus facilis Averno est

PS. #ShadowhuntersFandomUnited

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