Shadowhunters: S01E04 Raising Hell


So. The opening scene was a little much. I get having a nightmare but no one moves like that when they're asleep. Its supposed be like thrashing not whatever that was.

Then she sees Jace instead of Simon. That I didn't have a problem with.

That little scene with her and Simon was sweet. I thought that apology was needed. The poor boy keeps risking his life for her.

In this episode we begin to see the effects of Simon drinking from Camille and her drinking his blood. He's not really transforming yet, you need to die for that but he still experiences the effects, the hallucinations, the rages, and all the other side effects.

So Jace decides to go train after seeing Clary and Simon have a moment and Clary rushes into the room.

Clace had a moment here which was abruptly interrupted by Izzy.

The stand off between Jace and Simon was entertaining. I liked it. Not loved but liked.

Simon seemed like he was having a psychotic breakdown which was perfect considering what was happening to him.

I felt so bad for poor Simon. He kept feeling like Clary kept choosing Jace over her.

Also. When Hodge said, Magnus probably only helped Jocelyn because he was paid. I didn't quite agree. Maybe in the beginning. And even though it's never addressed I felt as if Magnus might have formed a bond with Clary. I mean he sees her grow up. He's had a child and Clary was in a way the closest thing to a child to him and I always thought he actually genuinely loved and cared for her even if he acted ignorant at first. Not a child but maybe family. To me he always seemed to genuinely love her. Does anyone else think that?

That scene with Valentine was creepy, which is a good thing.

I wish Magnus was warmer towards Clary for the sames reasons I mentioned before. He should know her pretty well and yet he was shocked when Clary saved a Warlock. I'm glad he offered to protect. It showed he somewhat cared for her.

The whole Parabatai tracking thing confused me. I'm hoping they explain this more later.

Also. We see a warlock's kid in this episode. How can a Warlock have a child? Is she adopted? I would like an explanation.

The summoning of the memory demon though. That I did not like. I mean, I'd probably get used to it at some point but right now, I need to adjust a little.

Anyways. I thing the TV Show is going to go somewhere great and hopefully we'll get more that 13 episodes.

I like that the TV show is bringing a little originality to the world we already love. They're not sticking to the book but they're not butchering it and I'm thankful. Every week I'm genuinely looking forward to the TV Show and not just because I feel like I have to. If it were a copy I wouldn't enjoy it as much and I'm glad it's turning out as it is.
May the Angel bless you!

Descensus facilis Averno est

PS. #ShadowhuntersFandomUnited

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