Shadowhunters: S01E10 This World Inverted


Let's just begin at the end! WTH! Jace! OMG! Mind blown! What the hell happened? I'm confused. I'm warning you from here on, you will be spoiled, book and TV show! PS. All the books.

Was that Michael? Or was it Valentine glamoured as him? Is Jace still a Herondale? Did Valentine have a hand in his upbringing? What the hell is happening? I'm on board if he never thinks Valentine is his father 'cause if that were true I have a bad feeling that I'd go crazy when the TV characters find out the truth.

This episode gave an AU (Alternate Universe) view of our favorite characters. I think in this alternate universe, Johnathan should've been there. Also. Are we even going to meet him this season? I hope so. And I am excited to see how the TV makes him out to be. It kind of reminded me of fanfictions! I love fanfictions!

We saw how Clace would be in an alternate world. It was nice. I really hope that the Jace from that universe doesn't break up with Clary from that universe. And I hope Magnus explains everything.

Anyways. What was Alec thinking? Breaking a parabatai bond? Really? If that could happen, wouldn't Julian and Emma do it? I mean. I'm in Lady Midnight mindset right now. I really hope they make it that series. Sorry. Off topic.

Anyways. That was just so out of character for Alec. It doesn't matter. During their ceremony, they promised, where you go I follow. Again, got that from Lady Midnight. It's just they seem more best friends than Parabatai. I mean it should be against his nature to side against his parabatai, his brother in arms. It's heartbreaking to see him do that.

I'm scared Alec would actually go through with the wedding. The perfect opportunity to call off his engagement and he refuses. What are you thinking Alexander Gideon Lightwood? Do you want me to kill you. I just saw the promo pics of his wedding and I was so scared. I really wish we don't ever experience that. I don't want it! Malec!

Next topic. Simon being the creepy serial killer. Perfect. That scene was so on point. I was absolutely impressed. It's nice that Luke made it clear that he still loved Simon like a son. The poor boy just had his life turned upside down.

And the Clace scenes were amazing, especially in the alternate dimension. They're so cutesy and fun!

Oh and the Malec scene! It was like Magnus and Alec had their roles reversed. I kind of dig that.

Back to Clace. So, at the party when Magnus comes in and him and Clary sneak out, I was so sad about Jace. And then his reaction to the demon. He was shaking! Literally shaking! WTH! And then our Jace travels through and get hurt. Poor Jacey.
And his meeting with Valentine! Oh my god! (In Janice voice)
He was so flustered! It was cute. And I love that him and Simon were friends in this episode. And their handshake!

Oh and Izzy the nerd! I loved it. She was so goofy and funny and Sizzy was perfect. I'm really worried about when that happens in the real world. We have three more episodes left. Are we going to get Sizzy, cause Simon and Clary are still not dealt with and Izzy seems genuinely interested in Meliorn.

Anyways. Great episode. Hope to see the alternate universe again!

May the Angel bless you!

Descensus facilis Averno est

PS. #ShadowhuntersFandomUnited

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