Shadowhunters: S01E09 Rise Up


Okay. I'll start by saying Alberto is such a fantastic actor. He did such a great job in this episode. He plays such a convincing vampire. I love the way he portrays his shift in role as Clary's best friend to being the linchpin that causes the Downworlders to unite. Because that's what he is. Even though he is a vampire, he maintains a great relationship with humans, shadowhunders and even werewolves.

And the blood. Blood isn't that thick, it was obvious that it was juice. I mean the density was obvious but you could also kind of see the particles. Yeah, I know I'm neurotic.

In this episode, we see a struggle between the choices the characters have to make. Simon has to choose to accept his fate and embrace it. Jace, Izzy and Alec had to choose sides. They had to choose whether or not they were going to go against everything they were taught.

That fight scene between Jace and Alec was amazing, I'm glad Alec got to beat Jace up a little. He deserved to, Jace was always walking all over him and telling him what to do. I think that had a lot to do with Alec's choice. I think he was afraid to be seen as his parents were.

I do feel that Clary isn't being all that understanding about Jace. He literally drops everything for her and risks everything for her and she can't ask him how he's doing with everything going on. I want them to have a heart to heart in the next episode and I want her to listen for once.

I loved the Clace scenes in this episode though. The kiss was great! Also, the scene where Jace goes all protective when they are looking through her room, Not that kind of cup! So like Jace to be protective of Clary. I also liked the look on his face when she hugged Si, proves he's jealous!

I think the relationship developing between Clace in the TV show is very different from the books but it is still great. We're seeing them in a new light and I like it. I'm kind of scared about Valentine and Jace thing. I don't want that to happen. I'm also curious about how that could happen, check my previous review to see what I mean. But there is an episode called Blood to Blood and that scares me.

Magnus. Poor Magnus. I feel so bad for him. The poor thing.
Magnus is a lot more vulnerable in the TV Show and that makes me protective about him. I felt so heartbroken when Alec said he was marrying Lydia. Come on Alec! Don't be an idiot!

I think Lydia is manipulating Alec with her stories about her ex. I know that's probably not what they're saying but it's what it feels to me.

Anyways. I'm excited about the next episode. Hoping for more Clace!

Oh who else is excited about Lady Midnight! My copy is coming tomorrow even though the book comes out on 13 March in my country!

May the Angel bless you!

Descensus facilis Averno est

PS. #ShadowhuntersFandomUnited

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