Shadowhunters: S01E13 Morning Star

Season Finale!

Over the years I have come to expect a lot from season finales and honestly I wasn't wowed.
I mean the episode wasn't bad but it wasn't on the edge of my seat amazing.

Firstly, I like that the show has originality and has it's own identity but it's kind mixing things together in such a way that somethings don't make sense. Like why the hell would Camille have the book? I mean Jocelyn would've been more careful with it. Common sense. She would never have let Dot sell it, not to Camille.

Then we wake her up, this early in the game. That would mean Clary finds out Jace isn't her brother soon. Sorry for spoiling those who didn't know. But its kind of obvious.

Anyways, Clary finding out Jace isn't her brother would mean two books worth of angst would vanish but if Jocelyn doesn't know, highly unlikely, I have no idea how that would play out.

In this episode Jace acts so weird. I get that he upset about being Valentine's son but the way he acts is kind of like he did after Angel Ithuriel showed them what he did. Speaking of Ithuriel, stupid angel that keeps getting captured, does he make an appearance? Cause in giving Camille the book and waking Jocelyn up we kind never really have to go to the Wayland Mannor. So what happens with him?

And in this episode we also start to the whole Malec dynamic and the issue they start to have in CoFA, I totally want to know what happens. I mean post everything, how does Magnus cope. Also, what is Max's fate in the TV Show. I feel like they'll stay true to the original thing but I wish they don't.

I think they to squeeze a lot in a few episodes, come on, 13, really. It's a 300+ pages book and they merged more than one book, so, putting all that in 13 episodes was impressive and I'm sure the next season will exceed my expectations.

Also. As much as I wish I could give this episode a 5 star, I am not really it deserves 4 stars. There are just too many plot holes that need to be fixed. Now on to the positives.

I loved that scene where Alec pulled Clary away from the portal. Some you must think I crazy to make a fuss out of it but to me it's the start of a friendship. It shows that Alec is warming up to her and actually protects her. And I don't think it was because of Jace.

I also love the scene where Jocelyn wakes up. Clary's warm reception to her mother waking up is what I expected in the book and at least it happened here. I'm awaiting the whole Jace Jonathan revelation. Also, excited for some Lukelyn in the next season.

Okay, if Jocelyn tells Clary about Jace not being her brother, we wouldn't have Climon. I'm a total Clace shipper but if we don't have Climon, Simon would never truly move on! And then Sizzy would never happen!

Again. So many questions.

I'm excited for season two and can't wait for it to air!

May the Angel bless you!

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PS. #ShadowhuntersFandomUnited

Shadowhunters: S01E12 Malec


It was like I could finally breathe. Ever since Alec proposed to Lydia, it has been like an internal war for me. I kept telling myself he'd find his senses and realize what he was doing and do the right thing. And he did. It was right at the last moment. Like literally the very last moment.

Also, the TV Show kind of answered one of my questions. How did they apply the wedding runes? They said that one rune was over the heart and the other on the arm so according to this the stele kind of absorbs the rune and maybe it just appears over the heart? I mean it's not like they'll open their shirts in front of everyone! I do hope we get to see a full shadowhunter wedding in the show soon so we can actually see the exchange of runes.

Now. Robert and Maryse's reactions. It kind of feels as if their roles are kind of reversed. Maryse was the more understanding parent in the books and actually seemed to care about her children instead of just family honor. In the TV Show, Robert seems to be more understanding unlike book Robert. It's not that I had a problem with that, it's just an observation.

I love that Alec and Jace finally made up. Here's the thing, Parabatai fight. They definitely fight but they never act the way Jace and Alec did towards each other. They trust each other more than anyone else. I like that Jace told Alec he was falling for Clary and Alec didn't make him feel bad about it.

Oh and that scene with Simon, Magnus, Alec and Izzy! Oh my god! I loved Simon in that scene. Right after Izzy tells Alec she's proud of him Simon joins them. And his analogy about Malec with those movie characters. It was amazing!

I wasn't a huge fan of Clace in this episode. Things were so awkward between them and I think it was portrayed well because of the situation but it still was awkward. Let me clarify, I think the actors did a wonderful job and made everything so believable but I'm still going to cringe everytime I see Clace as siblings, no matter how good the scene.

One thing I didn't like about this episode was that some of Izzy and Clary's dialogue's were a little stiff.

Also, Ragnor. It really hurt to see him die, I was heartbroken for Magnus. They were such old friends. And my heart just about melted when Magnus held Ragnor in his arms and called him that nickname from the Bane Chronicles. And there were other references too, the one with the instrument and Magnus's ex lover. I don't think one episode with him is enough but things happen. We never got to see him and Raphael. That would've been appreciated too. Also. I was a little disappointed that he didn't have green skin. He had the horns but not the green skin! :(

Anyways. Just one episode left before series finale and I really hope I can give the last episode 5 stars!

May the Angel bless you!

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PS. #ShadowhuntersFandomUnited

Shadowhunters: S01E11 Blood Calls To Blood


They did it! They adopted the sibling line into the TV Show. Also, I called it. I said it was going to happen in this episode! I knowing the outcome, I'm not that terrified, but I'm still scared. I'm scared about how they are going to spin it, I scared about the nonreaders' reaction. I really hope they continue on, believe me, it's amazing.

I'm really excited to see how things start to unfold.

There are somethings that bug me though:

1. Alec. In the beginning of the series I loved Alec but he kind of doesn't seem like a Parabatai anymore. I know he's mad and he has every right to be. I want him to kick Jace in the nuts for being so one track minded and not thinking about him and Izzy but he's Jace's parabatai. They forgive each other and Alec is also being stupid about the whole Lydia thing. Every episode I feel like screaming at him and telling him to choose Magnus.

2. I hate the Luke reacted to Clary and Jace being related. He is supposed to love Clary and be on her side. She's in such a state of duress and he tells Simon she's single? Yeah, go ahead. The guy she loves is her brother (Not really but you don't know that!). Take a chance!

3. I hate the Clave. I hate it everywhere. I hate the book and the TV Clave. They're awful! The law can go to hell!

Anyways. Back to the episode. I don't understand why they didn't just call Magnus. He could've healed Jace but I have to admit seeing that side of Simon was nice.

Speaking of Simon, when are we going to get some Sizzy? I hope it does happen though!

Now Valentine. When we met Michael Wayland in the last episode, I kind of expected it. I mean this was too big a deal to ignore. I love that the TV Show is keeping true to the book even though they have their own flare.

In this episode we see Jace and Michael and I could honestly see him manipulate Jace little by little and I wanted to scream at Jace. You shouldn't trust him. And He's not your father. I wanted to do that in the books too.

I want to see Clary and Jace discuss what they found out because it's a big deal and I want to see them react to it. I'm also wondering how Valentine gets his hands on the cup so we can begin the second season. I really hope we get six seasons with all the six books story lines covered.

I love Magnus more and more. I love how Izzy and Magnus hugged after the trial, I like that they're bonding. And I hope Alec doesn't go through with the wedding.

I wonder if we meet Ragnor and if so will he be green? I know we don't meet him in the TMI series (we do in TID and Bane Chronicles) but it would be nice to see him and Catarina Loss.

Anyways. I'm really scared about the next episode and what Alec does. I think that's the make or break point for my love for Alec.

May the Angel bless you!

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PS. #ShadowhuntersFandomUnited

Shadowhunters: S01E10 This World Inverted


Let's just begin at the end! WTH! Jace! OMG! Mind blown! What the hell happened? I'm confused. I'm warning you from here on, you will be spoiled, book and TV show! PS. All the books.

Was that Michael? Or was it Valentine glamoured as him? Is Jace still a Herondale? Did Valentine have a hand in his upbringing? What the hell is happening? I'm on board if he never thinks Valentine is his father 'cause if that were true I have a bad feeling that I'd go crazy when the TV characters find out the truth.

This episode gave an AU (Alternate Universe) view of our favorite characters. I think in this alternate universe, Johnathan should've been there. Also. Are we even going to meet him this season? I hope so. And I am excited to see how the TV makes him out to be. It kind of reminded me of fanfictions! I love fanfictions!

We saw how Clace would be in an alternate world. It was nice. I really hope that the Jace from that universe doesn't break up with Clary from that universe. And I hope Magnus explains everything.

Anyways. What was Alec thinking? Breaking a parabatai bond? Really? If that could happen, wouldn't Julian and Emma do it? I mean. I'm in Lady Midnight mindset right now. I really hope they make it that series. Sorry. Off topic.

Anyways. That was just so out of character for Alec. It doesn't matter. During their ceremony, they promised, where you go I follow. Again, got that from Lady Midnight. It's just they seem more best friends than Parabatai. I mean it should be against his nature to side against his parabatai, his brother in arms. It's heartbreaking to see him do that.

I'm scared Alec would actually go through with the wedding. The perfect opportunity to call off his engagement and he refuses. What are you thinking Alexander Gideon Lightwood? Do you want me to kill you. I just saw the promo pics of his wedding and I was so scared. I really wish we don't ever experience that. I don't want it! Malec!

Next topic. Simon being the creepy serial killer. Perfect. That scene was so on point. I was absolutely impressed. It's nice that Luke made it clear that he still loved Simon like a son. The poor boy just had his life turned upside down.

And the Clace scenes were amazing, especially in the alternate dimension. They're so cutesy and fun!

Oh and the Malec scene! It was like Magnus and Alec had their roles reversed. I kind of dig that.

Back to Clace. So, at the party when Magnus comes in and him and Clary sneak out, I was so sad about Jace. And then his reaction to the demon. He was shaking! Literally shaking! WTH! And then our Jace travels through and get hurt. Poor Jacey.
And his meeting with Valentine! Oh my god! (In Janice voice)
He was so flustered! It was cute. And I love that him and Simon were friends in this episode. And their handshake!

Oh and Izzy the nerd! I loved it. She was so goofy and funny and Sizzy was perfect. I'm really worried about when that happens in the real world. We have three more episodes left. Are we going to get Sizzy, cause Simon and Clary are still not dealt with and Izzy seems genuinely interested in Meliorn.

Anyways. Great episode. Hope to see the alternate universe again!

May the Angel bless you!

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PS. #ShadowhuntersFandomUnited

Shadowhunters: S01E09 Rise Up


Okay. I'll start by saying Alberto is such a fantastic actor. He did such a great job in this episode. He plays such a convincing vampire. I love the way he portrays his shift in role as Clary's best friend to being the linchpin that causes the Downworlders to unite. Because that's what he is. Even though he is a vampire, he maintains a great relationship with humans, shadowhunders and even werewolves.

And the blood. Blood isn't that thick, it was obvious that it was juice. I mean the density was obvious but you could also kind of see the particles. Yeah, I know I'm neurotic.

In this episode, we see a struggle between the choices the characters have to make. Simon has to choose to accept his fate and embrace it. Jace, Izzy and Alec had to choose sides. They had to choose whether or not they were going to go against everything they were taught.

That fight scene between Jace and Alec was amazing, I'm glad Alec got to beat Jace up a little. He deserved to, Jace was always walking all over him and telling him what to do. I think that had a lot to do with Alec's choice. I think he was afraid to be seen as his parents were.

I do feel that Clary isn't being all that understanding about Jace. He literally drops everything for her and risks everything for her and she can't ask him how he's doing with everything going on. I want them to have a heart to heart in the next episode and I want her to listen for once.

I loved the Clace scenes in this episode though. The kiss was great! Also, the scene where Jace goes all protective when they are looking through her room, Not that kind of cup! So like Jace to be protective of Clary. I also liked the look on his face when she hugged Si, proves he's jealous!

I think the relationship developing between Clace in the TV show is very different from the books but it is still great. We're seeing them in a new light and I like it. I'm kind of scared about Valentine and Jace thing. I don't want that to happen. I'm also curious about how that could happen, check my previous review to see what I mean. But there is an episode called Blood to Blood and that scares me.

Magnus. Poor Magnus. I feel so bad for him. The poor thing.
Magnus is a lot more vulnerable in the TV Show and that makes me protective about him. I felt so heartbroken when Alec said he was marrying Lydia. Come on Alec! Don't be an idiot!

I think Lydia is manipulating Alec with her stories about her ex. I know that's probably not what they're saying but it's what it feels to me.

Anyways. I'm excited about the next episode. Hoping for more Clace!

Oh who else is excited about Lady Midnight! My copy is coming tomorrow even though the book comes out on 13 March in my country!

May the Angel bless you!

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PS. #ShadowhuntersFandomUnited

Shadowhunters: S01E08 Bad Blood


Okay. Why don't we start with Alec. Have mentioned how I loved his character before? Well, right now, right at moment, I'm pissed at him.

He proposed to Lydia Branwell! Crazy idiot. How could he do something to get in the way of Malec. Malec is endgame. And in case you forgot Alec, you're gay. And I love you for that and you are meant to be with Magnus Bane. The High Warlock of Brooklyn!

I'm calm now. So. That was what my biggest issue with this was. It doesn't mean that the episode was bad. On the contrary, it was amazing. We heard Jace's story about the falcon. And honestly Dom did a great job. You could see the his pain, you could feel it.

I have a confession to make. I've trying to figure out Jace's eye color for a while. I mean I've seen Dom's eyes and they're gorgeous with the blue and the brown. To be honest, I prefer that over Jace's signature gold. And I know this was pointless, but I just had to mention it.

I didn't quite understand what Clary told Simon's mom. I mean she obviously didn't tell her Si was dead, right?

And I felt so bad for Clary in this episode. I'm trying to understand how much guilt and pain she must be feeling about Simon's death.

Simon absolutely freaked out when he woke up and thought that scene was perfect. You could see how terrified he was of what was happening and what he became.

I liked that Jace was consoling Clary. I don't know why but those small scenes where the characters are affectionate to each other are so perfect to me.

Speaking of Clace, what the hell is up with the kiss. What happened after? It just seemed like they pretended like it didn't happen. But it did. And in the next episode, according to the promo, there is another kiss, you know, Jace kissed Clary telling her to be careful. How did Jace react when Clary kissed him?

And now to another thing that really stuck out to me. All the non book readers should skip the next part 'cause it could end up being a huge spoiler.

When Lydia walks in as Valentine, Alec immediately recognizes her as Valentine and shoots, right? How the hell does he know how Valentine looks? And if he knows then so does Jace. So does that mean that we won't have the whole misunderstanding about Jace and Clary's relationship. Ya know. That.

I mean if he were raised by Valentine and thought it was his dad, and if Alec and the others know how Valentine looks, that must mean Jace did too, so he would have told Clary. He wouldn't kiss her. He is too good. And he shows no indication of that being true. So maybe he was raised by Valentine in Michael Wayland's skin. It's too complicated and I'm over analyzing it.
Maybe in the TV Show, Valentine never raised Jace and we don't have the problem.
*Spoiler Over!*

If that is, let me tell you I'll be the happiest person on earth. I never really liked it even if it wasn't real.

Let's go back to Malec.

I'm pretty sure the Lydia engagement is temporary and Malec is endgame, I mean there is an episode called Malec. I'm just worried.

And now, I want to know about the best forensic pathologist. When did Izzy become a forensic pathologist, much less the best. I'm not saying she can't be. She's smart. But I would assume something like this would've been addressed beforehand.

Anyways. I'm quite psyched about the next episode, especially since the promo showed the Clace kiss. I bet you can guess who my OTP is.

May the Angel bless you!

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PS. #ShadowhuntersFandomUnited

Shadowhunters: S01E07 Major Arcana


So the episode begins with Jace, Clary and Magnus discussing the mortal cup. Magnus’s comparison of Valentine getting the cup with Beyoncé riding a dinosaur through times square was like something that book Magnus would do.

Then Luke came in and said he had it and it all seemed so easy.

Also, Magnus giggling! That was perfect.

Then the scene with Simon and Maureen. Hell no. It was supposed to be Izzy.

Then he sees Clary. And then he screws up by calling Maureen Clary. WTF. And he sprints from there.

Then we end up at the NYPD. I was confused about why Luke was kind of arrested.

What the hell is up with Jace’s binocular vision?

I’m a little surprised by how attached Izzy is to Meliorn. He’s just supposed to be one of the many. I get that the reason behind my criticism is the continuous comparisons but I can’t help it.

I liked the scene between Alec and Izzy. I love their relationship. They seem to actually care about each other and truly seem like family.

That Clace scene in storage closet seemed so suggestive especially after what Izzy said. And the whole 10% thing that Clary says reminded me of the scene in the book where she slapped Jace.

That scene was nice.

And then Simon at Java Jones. It was weird. He was acting so paranoid and jumpy. It was nice seeing his transformation since we never saw that in the books. The barista remembering Clary reminded me of the end of City of Heavenly Fire.

The IA officer kind of reminded me of Robert, I don’t know why.

The demon pox reference! It was amazing!

Jace’s reaction to being slapped was hilarious. He’s such a cocky guy that he can’t fathom a girl even faking dislike! Alec has never slapped me. I have a plan and no one will be slapped.

I felt bad for the Captain. Her death was unfair but necessary.

Then we saw Simon with his family. I’m afraid he’ll tell them about it all. I actually like his mother and sister. They’re nice. The whole breaking the table was awesome!

How the hell did Alaric not see Jace and Clary? He’s a werewolf. Downworlders can see through the glamour. I mean Luke just said it! Okay, so they hid. I’m writing it as I’m watching it so some of this may be premature.

I’m still getting used to the runes hurting.

Clary pulled the cup out of the card at the perfect moment. I love that it wasn’t instantaneous and was done at the right time. And I love that Clary was able to know that the demon wasn’t Jace.

Okay, so let’s skip everything and jump to the end. No! What happened to the midnight flower?

I loved that scene between them. It was cute and passionate and beautiful. Perfect.

I loved Clace in this episode. They seemed to be more real in this.

I wish Clary paid more attention to Simon. He's her best friend and I get that she has a lot going on but so does he. She dragged him into this world and the least she can do is give a damn!

Also. The ending. I felt so sorry for Simon! He's just so sweet and amazing and it was so sad what happened to him.

May the Angel bless you!

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PS. #ShadowhuntersFandomUnited

Shadowhunters: S01E06 Of Men And Angels


So. I'll start by saying I'm hoping this show will be a success, but I didn't like this episode. Mostly the flashbacks.

The quality of the flashbacks wasn't good, and I wish that the present actors played the characters. The other actors didn't look anything like the current actors. They could've just used makeup and made them look younger. Also, I just love the cast, and I would like to see them regardless of the flashbacks unless they get a toddler or a kid.
The alpha bite thing is a new concept to me, and I would like to learn more about this, but it's an interesting idea.

There's some tension between Alec and Jace in this episode, and I totally side with Alec on this one. Jace just keeps using him and barely shows any kind of gratitude.

In this episode, Jace and Alec work together as a team. I was a bit put off by Jace though. First Alec and then him. How the hell do they not understand what's up with Simon? I mean they spent their whole life in the shadow world, how the hell are they not reading the signs correctly.

And Max! He's adorable. Like a little button!

I like Robert though. Especially his relationship with Izzy, it's like he's trying to make up for Mayrse's coldness.

And speaking of them, what the hell is up with the whole family honor shit. They betrayed the Clave and sided with Valentine and then they expect their children to turn their lives upside down.

I hope Alec tells them to piss off when they tell him to marry someone for their family's honor. I always thought they were better than that. There weren't any arranged marriages in the books. Honestly, arranged marriages piss me off, especially when it's forced. I hope I misunderstood, or at least they decide not to do it. Maryse was acting like a total child! I'm starting to hate her.

I liked the Magnus and Clary scenes. I could sense that he actually cared for her. He should, he watched her grow up. I always thought that their relationship should've got more focus. And I kind of hope we get more Magnus & Clary scenes in the show than we did in the book and I want Magnus to express how much he cares for her.

I felt bad for Clary. Poor Clary had to learn about how evil her father was. Also, I'm still not used to the super speed for the shadowhunters. That's the speed I'd assume vamps run at.

Also, why did Simon leave the money? That was confusing.

And then we had another Max scene. He was adorable.

I hate that Izzy felt as if she needed to change for her mother's approval. That is ridiculous. She was perfect!

And in the end, we officially found out about Clary's ability to turn real objects to paintings and sketches.

May the Angel bless you!

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PS. #ShadowhuntersFandomUnited

Shadowhunters: S01E05 Moo Shu To Go


So we pick right where we left and Clary tells Jace about her vision and Alec walks in. We discover it is a portal shard. It kind of reminded of that scene from the movie where the portal blasts and the shards are discarded around the room.

Alec being the responsible adult he is tries to make the right decision and takes the necklace.

And that thing about the three and a half shadowhunters. Oh Alec. Just wait. There will be a day when you two will have to team up against Jace's brand of crazy!

I love the relationship Clary has with her mother. Clary felt like she could tell her mother everything, that they were there for each other no matter what. She was the cool mom.

And then we see Maryse. God. She was so cold to Izzy.
The way she acts about Clary. She acts like she never knew Jocelyn personally. Jocelyn was one of her only female friends! And we know all about you in Idris? Really?

And I felt so bad for Izzy. She says Shadowhunters aren't huge huggers and then Maryse hugs both Jace and Alec.

She's judgy and mean! I don't like her. I hate her character but thought the actress did a great job.

I like that Jace stood up for her though.

Then we see Luke again. I feel so bad for him. He looses the woman he loves and the girl he loves like a daughter thinks he was using them and he has to find her and work for the pack.

Alec was acting weird about the memory. Of course he loved Jace. Like Jace said. They're brothers. Of course they love each other! I know that's not what Alec thinks. It's just the wanting the unattainable will mean he will never have to make the choice and truly face the truth.

I really wish Clary could have best of both worlds. When she was outside the art school I really wished she could attend. Not now but maybe when things cooled down.

Like I always say. Simon and Clary is such a great best friend. Kat and Alberto fit into that role perfectly and I really like the way the showrunners are developing Climon.

We see Izzy, Jace and Meliorn. Well. Goodness! How awkward was it for Jace?

Every Valentine scene we have is creepy and perfect. It's just that he is creepy. He is supposed to be creepy. I love the way he is portrayed.

Question: How does Alec not realize whats up with Simon? He get the sight all of a sudden and super strength. No warning bells? Really?

And Simon, ever charming. After me! 

Then Clary pulls out the JC Box. I'm curious about how she finds out about JC. All my fellow book readers already know and I can't wait for the others to find out.

We find out about the dead Seelies. I hate Seelies but I did feel bad for them.

Then Clary and Si get kidnapped. Jace was so mean to Alec. He's always so mean to him.
Jace makes a low blow about Alec's mom. He's already insecure.

The wolves keep asking Clary about the cup and threaten Simon.
I can't believe the werewolves were introduced in this episode. It was the right time. We're only a few episodes shy of half way.

So Simon finds a way to contact Jace and also finds out the location. He basically hands everything to them on a platter.

Luke helps them and gets hurt in the process.

I'm glad Jace went with Clary but I was upset about Alec choosing not to.

Anyways. It was a good episode! I think the best so far.

Shadowhunters: S01E04 Raising Hell


So. The opening scene was a little much. I get having a nightmare but no one moves like that when they're asleep. Its supposed be like thrashing not whatever that was.

Then she sees Jace instead of Simon. That I didn't have a problem with.

That little scene with her and Simon was sweet. I thought that apology was needed. The poor boy keeps risking his life for her.

In this episode we begin to see the effects of Simon drinking from Camille and her drinking his blood. He's not really transforming yet, you need to die for that but he still experiences the effects, the hallucinations, the rages, and all the other side effects.

So Jace decides to go train after seeing Clary and Simon have a moment and Clary rushes into the room.

Clace had a moment here which was abruptly interrupted by Izzy.

The stand off between Jace and Simon was entertaining. I liked it. Not loved but liked.

Simon seemed like he was having a psychotic breakdown which was perfect considering what was happening to him.

I felt so bad for poor Simon. He kept feeling like Clary kept choosing Jace over her.

Also. When Hodge said, Magnus probably only helped Jocelyn because he was paid. I didn't quite agree. Maybe in the beginning. And even though it's never addressed I felt as if Magnus might have formed a bond with Clary. I mean he sees her grow up. He's had a child and Clary was in a way the closest thing to a child to him and I always thought he actually genuinely loved and cared for her even if he acted ignorant at first. Not a child but maybe family. To me he always seemed to genuinely love her. Does anyone else think that?

That scene with Valentine was creepy, which is a good thing.

I wish Magnus was warmer towards Clary for the sames reasons I mentioned before. He should know her pretty well and yet he was shocked when Clary saved a Warlock. I'm glad he offered to protect. It showed he somewhat cared for her.

The whole Parabatai tracking thing confused me. I'm hoping they explain this more later.

Also. We see a warlock's kid in this episode. How can a Warlock have a child? Is she adopted? I would like an explanation.

The summoning of the memory demon though. That I did not like. I mean, I'd probably get used to it at some point but right now, I need to adjust a little.

Anyways. I thing the TV Show is going to go somewhere great and hopefully we'll get more that 13 episodes.

I like that the TV show is bringing a little originality to the world we already love. They're not sticking to the book but they're not butchering it and I'm thankful. Every week I'm genuinely looking forward to the TV Show and not just because I feel like I have to. If it were a copy I wouldn't enjoy it as much and I'm glad it's turning out as it is.
May the Angel bless you!

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PS. #ShadowhuntersFandomUnited

Shadowhunters: S01E03 Dead Man's Party


This week we picked up at the institute right after Simon was kidnapped. Alec portrayed the perfect rule following Nephilim.

When I think of Alec I think of the saying: Sed lex dura lex- The law is hard but the it is the law.

Alec is just such a by the books guy and in a way I'm excited to see him break to finally go against what people expect of him. He's constantly talking about reporting to the Clave.

When we came back to the institute and Clary says 'What about this stuff, these screens, can any of this help me find Simon?' It kind of felt unrealistic. It's not like she's never seen a computer before. Shadowhunters are less acquainted with modern tech than mundanes.

Clary was kind of acting like a jumpy child. Which I thought was perfect since she was distraught over her missing best friend.

I liked the sibling banter between Alec, Jace and Izzy. It was interesting seeing them tease each other about their things.

I felt so bad for Simon. He always gets stuck in bad situations.

Raphael was quite intimidating. He did a great job of playing the emotionless vampire.

It was actually funny seeing Simon try to escape. He threw a knife at Raph! A knife. As if that would

Camille. When she first entered the room, I kind of thought her tone was off. I mean it was monotonous. How sweet. You're bleeding.

I didn't really like that scene at the cemetery. I didn't quite feel it!

Also, why the hell would Clary believe they actually say Aabra Ka Daabra.

Also, it's not that easy to learn how to use a weapon. How the hell did she learn it in one go? They train their whole lives and all it took was Jace guiding her?

What the hell was up with Camille freezing Simon? Do vampires have magic?

The Izzy Meliorn scene was overrated. I didn't like it. I don't know why but I just didn't.

Even though I wish Alec starts to stand up for himself, I'm actually glad he still went to fight by Jace's side. He wouldn't be Alec if he didn't.

I loved the bike scene. The one where they fly around in the sky!

The fight scenes in the show have become better and I enjoy them now. I do have a question. How do they not mess up their hair while fighting?

I'm glad Raph helped them escape. I mean it was the right thing to do. The shadow world should stand as one against Valentine!

The Jace-Alec fight in the end though... I kind of felt bad for Alec. Jace always takes him for granted.

Anyways. Next weeks episode should be interesting.

May the Angel bless you!

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PS. #ShadowhuntersFandomUnited

Shadowhunters: S01E02 The Descent Into Hell Isn't Easy


When I heard that episode two was out along with episode one I was so excited that I immediately watched it. I was quite happy with the improvement of episode two as compared to episode one. It was easier to go through and the whole thing seemed to be more fluid.

I was happy to have more Simon time in this episode. Alberto Rosende was amazing in his portrayal of Simon. And honestly Clary and Simon seem like genuine friends in this TV Show.

Their friendship seemed more real than Jace and Alec's Parabatai relationship.

And the whole thing with the burning runes. I never really imagined it like that. They don't say runes are painful in the books.

And Simon panicking when Jace grabbed his hand! I actually loved that reaction, over-reaction but completely Simon like.

What I didn't like is that Jace didn't seem too Jace like. I always imagined him as the kind of person who hides his vulnerability behind cocky comments and false bravado and I could see them attempt that but it wasn't too realistic.

"I'm tough! I can handle the runes. So bring on the runes!" Simon hits Jace and gets hurt "What exactly are the runes?"

Aw! Si! You're amazing. And his awkward comment about Izzy when she puts on the rune! So cute.

Luke's fight with the circle member completely gave away what he was, didn't it? It seemed obvious to me.

Also. Hodge. He's Clary's parents age but looks more her age. I mean look at him!

He does play the part well. I was absolutely horrified at how the Clave punished him. I was also curious about his mark. If he still had the mark why didn't Jocelyn and Luke and Robert and Maryse? If Robert and Maryse had it then why did their kids not know about it.

And I don't see why Hodge thought Clary was Jocelyn, they look alike but not completely the same. And there should be no confusion 'cause Jocelyn would've aged.

What does the theme song say though? Does it say THIS IS THE HUNT?

The scene where she said 'I hate to make you suffer like this' seemed unrealistic she was a little stiff.

I did like the scene between Clary and Jace though.

I liked Dot. She was such a loyal friend even though she knew helping Clary would probably end her life.

During the Sizzy scene when Izzy said Jace was almost certain, I found myself longing for the slap scene from the book. I'm crazy. And the super fast running still baffles me. I never imagined it to be that fast.

Emeraude Toubia did a great job of portraying Izzy, she was flirty, confident, just Izzy.

And the scene where Clary is in Izzy's clothes. I mean seriously? She's wearing a shirt and pants and complaining when she was in a much more revealing dress before that. It's a little much if you ask me. She complains too much.

I like that Clary and Izzy become friends, it's nice to know Clary has someone backing her up.

Mathew Daddario was an excellent Alec. He was the perfect authority figure that caved to everyone else's wishes.

I was upset when Magnus ran away. He never seemed like a coward to me but here he was one. But I know he'll become the Bane we know and love.

I felt bad when Dot got captured by the Circle.

Now we enter the City of Bones.
It didn't seemed like a cemetery, it was like a place where stoners would hang out not the Silent Brothers.
That scene outside the gates of Silent City was great. The group had such a great dynamics. Alec walking away was great.

The silent brothers looked so wired. Their eyes are supposed to have runes over them, not stitched. I didn't like how they were portrayed in the movie either.

The whole Clary finding out about who Valentine really was did seem realistic.
Alec's reaction to the revelation was realistic and Clary's reaction was realistic too. I liked the parts which seemed realistic.

And I'm kind of pissed at Izzy for leaving Simon in the car, that was a truly stupid move.

Then was the scene with Raphael. It could've been more intense. I would've enjoyed it more.

It broke my heart when Dot died, she was such a great friend to Clary.

Anyways, I thought this episode was much better that episode one and much easier to follow.

May the Angel bless you!

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PS. #ShadowhuntersFandomUnited

Shadowhunters: S01E01 The Mortal Cup



I might have given this three stars but I'm hoping that one day, it's up to five.

Let's start from the very beginning.

I know shadowhunters are supposed to be faster and stronger but definitely not like that. I mean come on. They feel more like vampires than Nephilims. 

Even though I'm getting used to the whole activating runes thing, it's still a little weird.

Let's talk about the shape shape shifting demon. What I don't get is that why it didn't change shape before. I mean when they see the Demon's photo at the institute it looks the same as when they hunt it but the moment they follow him it changes shape. If I were the demon, I'd constantly change shape.

And can't demons see shadowhunters even when they have the cloaking rune on. Also the Clace scene is so abrupt. 

"Hey, can you watch where you're going?" ~Clary
"You can see me?" ~Jace
Theme Song

I do like that we go back eight hours and see the events leading up to the moment where Clary is introduced to the Shadow world.

We see Clary audition for Art School.
I didn't get the whole decorative thing. It didn't look decorative and did it have some significance. Why would they care if she drew some monsters and I'm kind of curious about it's significance.

And the scenes with Simon and Clary. I love that he's so riled up about her getting in. Their friendship seems so genuine. The whole I'll end them thing was such a friend thing to say and their dynamic is just perfect.

Then we see Clary's special ability to turn real objects to pictures. Personally, that was a bit early. It should've happened latter. The moment I saw the tarot card I immediately knew. Yes I know it's because I read the book but as soon as the new comers heard about cup, they probably got it too!

And then there was the thing about Luke controlling the dog. I mean anyone who's never read the book might jump to the conclusion about what he is immediately.

There was no such thing as subtlety in this show.

I love Clary and Jocelyn's dynamic but the flashback, not really that realistic.
And why would they need to tie Clary down. It kind of seemed unnecessary.

I did not like Maureen, when we first saw her I was like, Maia! And where the hell is the rest of Simon's band? Where is Eric? Where are the others? How the hell will we meet Kyle then?

Alec just seemed so Alec. He's amazing. He has this reserved feel about him that feels perfect for Alec. Izzy isn't half bad either, but I had a little trouble with Jace's portrayal. He isn't as cocky or witty as he's supposed to be. He was who I was most excited about and he was kind of a let down.

The scene at the club was alright. It didn't blow my mind but it was okay.

I didn't like the portal though. It seemed to disintegrate Clary. That's just not how portals work!

Valentine. Now he was a character who was played flawlessly.

I wish Clary was the one that killed the Ravener demon like she did in the books. I mean it was the first demon she killed in the book, it was significant. I also wished that we had that scene with Clary and Jace right before she lost consciousness and he had that quip. It was something Jace would definitely say and they cut that line. Also the slap. I mean come on. Clary slapped him for not being sure about her being a Nephilim and still putting that rune on her.

I love that we have new characters and that we get to see this world in such depth. It's going to be quite interesting.

I'm hopeful about how this series will turn out though, I have high hopes.

Anyways, so all the people who've never read the book, what did you think of it. Is it better for you since you're not psychoanalyzing and comparing each line that comes out of the characters mouths?

PS. I plan on watching it to the very end no matter what happens.

May the Angel bless you!

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PS. #ShadowhuntersFandomUnited